The value of an abalone pearl is assessed by color, luster, shape, heft, and size. The ideal pearl is one with a combination of vibrant colors; a smooth, mirror-like luster; symmetrical shape; and appropriate heft (not hollow). It is estimated that over 100,000 animals need to be harvested to find just 1 possessing these qualities and measuring over 15mm in size. Generally the abalone pearls carried by Kojima Company are found by divers along the coast of California and Mexico. Abalone is a culinary delicacy and it is the lucky diver who finds one of these precious pearls.
Abalone pearls can be very fragile and most of the time unsuitable for jewelry. Even weighty specimens can have fissures, or cracks that usually run lengthwise on the pearl. This is something to watch for when purchasing Abalone pearls as it is very rare that these pearls can be successfully set in jewelry.
This photo below is a very pronounced example of this sort of flaw.
Abalone pearls are not to be confused with Abalone shell... the pearls are wild found in the body of the animal. Abalone shell is frequently used in jewelry and although the colors are just as vibrant it is nowhere near as valuable. Here are a couple of examples of our jewelry made with Abalone shell.