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Quahog Pearls

Quahog pearls (pronounced "KWAH-HAWG") are found on the Eastern shore of North America, stretching from Northern Rhode Island to Southern Florida. Commercially harvested for over 100 years, they continue to be a staple of the Eastern seafood market. Baked clams, steamers and chowder are local favorites no matter where you go. Quahog pearls, like all natural wild pearls, are very rare. Exact estimates of their rarity are impossible but a relative estimate of 5,000 clams before finding a pearl is commonly cited. A deep indentation along the edge of a quahog shell can be a tell-tale sign of treasure, as these shells often possess a pearl. Pearls range in color from white and beige to dark purple and lilac, the latter being most sought-after. Although quahogs are still commercially harvested, their pearls have become extremely rare. Most all cleaning and shucking are done mechanically and any possible pearls are either lost or destroyed. If you have a quahog pearl, enjoy it, for it is a true natural treasure. If you would like a quahog pearl, let us know and we will find the perfect pearl for you.
I was interviewed by a news team about this diner's dream come true!
Now before you call me about your pearl, please do the following: 
1.Take some good photos of your pearl. If you do not have a smart phone, ask someone to help you get a photo in natural light with a fair amount of detail. Please take at least one photo with a coin in the frame for size reference. 
2. Carefully check to see if your pearl has cracks! This often occurs when the pearl has been cooked being found. 
3. Measure the pearl to the best of your ability, a carat weight and millimeter measurement is ideal, but I will take what you can get. 
4. Email me those photos along with your details, measurements and preferably how you came by the pearl (because the story is often the best part!)
Look forward to hearing from you, and congratulations! 

Kojima Pearl Company | ABC News - man finds pearl while eating quahog





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